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The New Academic Year of 2023/2024 Begins with A Flag Ceremony at MAN IC Gorontalo

TILONGKABILA-( MAN IC Gorontalo held a flag ceremony in campus area, Monday (17/07/2023. This was the first flag ceremony in new academic year 2023/2024. The ceremony begun at 7.30 am local time. Teachers and staff were situated in administration building while students’ batch 25, 26, and 27 were in the school field.

School principal, Dr. Jasmaniar, SE, M.Ed Dev, addressed a speech about her wishes for teachers, staff, ad students.

“I wish that God blesses us health and happiness. I also wishes for students to study harder and success in the future,” said Jasmaniar.

Jasmaniar also symbolically opened the new student’s orientation time for batch 27 by pinning participant card. Students batch 27 are new students who are following orientation time for a week long. Students grade XI and XII or batch 26 and 25 are studying in academic building while new students’ batch 27 following orientation time in school hall, Harun Ar-Rasid. (Agunka)

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